One of the lessons I have learnt in the last 2 years is about your arrows. This lesson really resonated with me and I have used it quite often in my life since learning about it. Now the photo’s below are not very clear, but you get the picture.  When you are living a life with the arrows pointing in it means that you are letting life happen to you and its NOT your happiest life.  When you are living with the arrows pointing out you are being responsible for your own happiness.

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So when I am making decisions I picture the stick figures with the arrows and work out what decision would mean that the arrows are pointing out.  An example of this is Grocery Shopping.  I hate grocery shopping.  In my house, it is usually done Sunday night around 10.30 as that is the only time I can fit it in.  I have spent the last 5 or so years complaining about doing the grocery shopping and telling EVERYONE who would listen how much I hated it.

Then it came to me that my doing the grocery shopping the way I was doing it was letting the arrows point in.  How could I make them point out in this situation?  We all need to eat and so we all need to buy groceries.  When the answer came to me it was so obvious it was silly.  Order online and get them delivered.  I mean seriously, how ridiculously easy is that. Totally arrows pointing out – You don’t have to go out late on a Sunday night – You don’t have to walk around the Supermarket with a million other people (you would be surprised at how many people shop at that time of night).

Now Sunday Nights are AWESOME!!!! Sit down at my computer, log in, order what I need and Monday nights it is all delivered.  Now you are probably thinking that this is me just being lazy, but it’s not.  I would rather spend that time doing something with the kids or finishing the housework or pumping out a few blogs or planning for the next week at work.  There are a million other things that I would rather do than to shop for groceries, so why do it when you don’t have to?

When making a decision in the future, try to make it with your arrows pointing out.  Actually picture the arrows as you make the decision.

 Question: What direction do your arrows point in your life?